Why wait for your Discovery Call?
Start the process and get a Veteran Coach today!
You can start the journey to getting your benefits FASTER by becoming an Elite Member TODAY.

Have you struggled with any of these problems?
- You started researching the VA claims process, but quickly became overwhelmed, leading you to give up.
- You started a claim, only to hit a roadblock and never finished.
- You filed a claim, only to be denied, leaving you feeling discouraged.
- Maybe you just want to know if you qualify for a VA rating.
If any of these problems sound familiar—Our Elite Membership program can help!

What Members Are Saying

Get Started Now!
You only pay AFTER you win your VA disability claim AND get a higher VA rating.
If you don’t win your claim and get a higher rating, you don’t owe us a penny. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
View our price guide
Did You Know?
A VA rating can provide benefits that drastically improve your quality of life:*
- Tax-Free Monthly Compensation
- Free Healthcare
- Life Insurance
- Counseling and Therapy Services
- VA Home Loan Benefits
- Hiring Preference for Federal Jobs
- Employment Training
- Education Benefits and Student Loan Forgiveness
- Property Tax and Income Tax Benefits
Family Benefits
VA ratings ALSO come with benefits for your family:*
- Education and Employment Training
- Housing Assistance
- Survivors Pension**
- Civilian Health & Medical Care (CHAMPVA)**

*Additional benefits vary by state and disability rating level, please verify your benefits based on your state of residence and your VA Rating. **Only available if the veteran is 100% P&T, or was 100% P&T for at least 10 years prior to passing away regardless of the situation, or passed away from a service-connected condition.
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